Keri Martinowich, PhD

Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building (ISEB) and Virtually Via Zoom 419 Physical Sciences Quad, Irvine

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Keri Martinowich, PhD from Johns Hopkins University Presents: “Cell type and spatially-resolved multiomic approaches for understanding human brain disorders” Hybrid: ISEB 1200 & Zoom


Christian Bravo Rivera, Ph.D.

CNLM Herklotz Conference Center and Virtually via Zoom

CNLM Colloquium Series Join the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) for a hybrid event featuring Dr. Christian Bravo Rivera, assistant professor of psychiatry, anatomy, and neurobiology. This event will be held in-person in the Herklotz Conference Center and virtually via Zoom. Neural circuits mediating reward approach and punishment avoidance conflict  Reward…
