Javier Diaz Alonso, Ph.D.
Exploring AMPA Receptors Synaptic Trafficking During Long-term Potentiation The 2021 CNLM Summer Seminar Series is hosted by the Irvine Summer Institute in Neuroscience, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program funded by the National Science Foundation and Department of Defense. The program is directed by Dr. Luis Colon-Perez and Manuella Oliveira Yassa and provides an intensive research training and…
Gyorgy Lur, Ph.D.
Sex Dependent Short- and Long-term Effects of Stress on the Parietal Circuit The 2021 CNLM Summer Seminar Series is hosted by the Irvine Summer Institute in Neuroscience, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program funded by the National Science Foundation and Department of Defense. The program is directed by Dr. Luis Colon-Perez and Manuella Oliveira Yassa and provides an…
Jodi Quas, Ph.D.
Lessons From Science Interviewing Children about Trauma to Obtain Accurate and Complete Accounts The 2021 CNLM Summer Seminar Series is hosted by the Irvine Summer Institute in Neuroscience, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program funded by the National Science Foundation and Department of Defense. The program is directed by Dr. Luis Colon-Perez and Manuella Oliveira Yassa and provides…
Integrative Insider LIVE!
Virtual EventJoin the Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute for the second of a three-part summer series on their Mind • Brain • Body Wellbeing Program, “Explore Neuropsychology services with Brain Mapping, Neurofeedback, and Performance Sports Training” featuring Christine D. Kraus, PhD, SSIHI Neuropsychologist.
Lulu Y. Chen, Ph.D.
The 2021 CNLM Summer Seminar Series is hosted by the Irvine Summer Institute in Neuroscience, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program funded by the National Science Foundation and Department of Defense. The program is directed by Dr. Luis Colon-Perez and Manuella Oliveira Yassa and provides an intensive research training and professional development experience for undergraduates interested in interdisciplinary…
Virtual CNLM Summer Research Symposium
Virtual EventJoin us for a virtual symposium featuring the 2021 Interns of the Irvine Summer Institute in Neuroscience. Participants will share poster presentations of their summer research projects. Agenda 10:00am – Welcome 10:15am – Keynote Lecture by Michael Yassa, Ph.D. 11:30am – Break 12:00 – 1:40pm – Poster Session For more information, please visit: https://cnlm.uci.edu/reu/
“Lab-Grown Brains: New Models to Study Neurological Disorders”
Gross Hall, 4th Floor in room #4001 UC Irvine, Irvine, CA, United StatesJoin the Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center for their community lecture series where physician scientists and basic science researchers provide an opportunity to learn more about stem cells, including current research, clinical trials, therapies, and the future of regenerative medicine. September’s lecture is by Momoko Watanabe, PhD, and Claire Henchcliffe, MD, DPhil.…
32nd Annual SoCal Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference
Virtual EventJoin Alzheimer’s Orange County and UCI MIND for the 32nd Annual Southern California Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference. This free, half-day, virtual conference will cover a wide range of topics concerning Alzheimer’s disease, from updates on research, to treatments, diagnostics, risk factors, and genetic resilience. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on brain health will also…
Conte Center Seminar Series with Alicia K. Smith, PhD
Virtual EventEpigenetic Consequences of Trauma Exposure Across the Lifespan Join the Conte Center @ UCI in a virtual seminar featuring Alicia K. Smith, PhD. Dr. Smith is an Associate Professor from Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Zoom Link: https://ucihealth.zoom.us/j/91917001244?pwd=R1NRaGE0Q01RYnpqay9LWm04OWcxZz09
CNCM Seminar: Hong Wei Dong, PhD
Join the UCI Center for Neural Circuit Mapping in a seminar featuring Dr. Hong Wei Dong of UCLA.
LAMP Seminar – Dr. Andy Shih
Virtual EventOptical Dissection of Brain Capillary Function Join the UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic for a virtual seminar featuring Dr. Andy Shih, Assistant Professor at the Seattle Children's Research Institute & University of Washington. Abstract My laboratory uses in vivo multiphoton imaging and rodent models to shed light (quite literally) on regulation of cerebral…
CNLM Colloquium with Nii Addy, Ph.D
CNLM Herklotz Conference Center Irvine, CA, United StatesThe CNLM will be hosting Dr. Nii Addy,Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine, in a colloquium where he will present his latest research. This year, the series will be held in a virtual format with some speakers presenting in-person as well. We will keep registered participants updated on the possibility of an…