CNLM Virtual Colloquium with Charan Ranganath, Ph.D.

Memory at the scale of episodes: How the neocortex and hippocampus support memory for complex events Dr. Ranganath’s research focuses on characterizing the psychological processes that support human memory, and…


Gaia Novarino, Ph.D.

Dr. Gaia Novarino, professor of life sciences at IST Austria, will be one of the speakers in the 2020/21 EpiCenter Seminar Series.


NextGen Epilepsy Seminars – Justin Botterill, PhD

Justin Botterill, PhD, a postdoc in Helen Scharfman's lab at Nathan Kline / NYU, will present his latest epilepsy-related research. This event is part of the NextGen Epilepsy Seminar Series…


BME Seminar Series: Michael Yartsev of UC Berkeley

“Studying the Neural basis of Complex Spatial, Social and Acoustic Behaviors – in Freely Behaving and Flying Bats” BME Seminar Series Join the UCI Samueli School of Engineering and Department of Biomedical Engineering…


CNLM Virtual Colloquium with Dr. Staci D. Bilbo

Prenatal environmental stressors impair postnatal microglial function and behavior in male mice Join this virtual colloquium brought by the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, where Staci D.…


Mark Dell’Acqua, PhD

Dr. Mark Dell'Acqua, professor and vice chair of the department of pharmacology at the University of Colorado, will be one of the speakers in the 2020/21 EpiCenter Seminar Series.


Michael Jacobs Goard, Ph.D.

CNCM Seminar Join the Center for Neural Circuit Mapping in a virtual seminar with Dr. Michael Jacobs Goard, from UC Santa Barbara, who will be presenting his latest research.
