2020 CNLM Award Ceremony
Each year, the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) offers awards to exceptional postdoctoral researchers, graduate trainees, and undergraduates students. Recipients receive awards of up to $1,000 and will present their work in brief, elevator pitch format to the CNLM community.
Achieving Precision Health in Neuropsychiatry
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Dan Geschwind UCI Precision Health through Artificial Intelligence Initiative presents an online lecture program Thursday, May 28 from 4-6 p.m. Attendees can watch the lecture via Zoom Webinar or YouTube and can submit questions in both platforms' Q&A boxes. Registration is required.
Facebook LIVE Q&A: Why are animal models used to study Alzheimer’s disease? with Dean Frank LaFerla
Dean of the School of Biological Sciences, Frank LaFerla, Ph,D., will be answering questions about the use of animal models in the study of Alzheimer's disease. Tune in on Facebook this upcoming June 5th at 11AM
Disrupted Maturation of Primate Brain Circuits by Early-life Adversity: A Multimodal Approach
Join the Conte Center in this upcoming seminar by Mar Sanchez, Ph.D., professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Emory University School of Medicine, where she will be presenting her latest research on brain development and adversity. More information!
Facebook LIVE Q&A: How does exercise (or lack thereof) impact the brain? with Dr. Nicole Berchtold
Nicole C. Berchtold, Ph,D., associate project scientist at UCI MIND, will be answering questions live on the effects of exercise on the brain.
#BlackInNeuro Week
#BlackinNeuroWeek is a weeklong celebration of Black excellence in neuroscience and related disciplines. BlackinNeuro is an international grassroots effort led by a brilliant group of Black scholars including UCI's very own Elena Dominguez and Angeline Dukes. It is hosting the first BlackinNeuroWeek July 27-August 2, 2020. In addition to daily themed hashtags and conversations, the group is hosting…
Vince Calhoun | Conte Center Seminar
Dr. Vince Calhoun, distinguished university professor and founding director of the Tri-institutional Center for Translation Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS) at Georgia State University, will present a virtual lecture titled, Towards the development of brain imaging bookmarks: A network based approach.
Facebook LIVE Q&A: Do all people with Down syndrome get Alzheimer’s disease? with Eric Doran, MS.
Eric Doran, MS, Manager, Down Syndrome Program, UC Irvine, will be answering questions about the connection of Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's disease. Join the UCI Mind broadcast this August 21st at 11AM
Takao Hensch, Ph.D.
Balancing Brain Plasticity/Stability The Conte Center @ UCI welcomes Dr. Takao Hensch, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University.
Facebook LIVE Q&A: What role do immune cells play in Alzheimer’s disease? with Dr. Lindsay Hohsfield
Lindsay Hohsfield, Ph.D., from the Green Lab, will be talking about the role of immune cells in Alzheimer's disease. Join this Facebook Q&A on September 4th at 11AM
31st Annual SoCal Alzheimer’s Research Conference
Learn how new technologies are being used to accelerate science and care for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Join international experts for UCI MIND and Alzheimer’s Orange County’s first-ever free virtual conference in its 30-year history.
Cannabis in a Changing Brain
Join the Center for the Study of Cannabis for their virtual symposium on Cannabis in a Changing Brain: The Evolving Impact of Cannabinoids Across the Lifespan. This event will include lectures from international researchers and UCI Impact of Cannabis Across the Lifespan (ICAL) members as well as a round table on "The Challenge of Cannabis…