Virtual CNLM Summer Research Symposium

Virtual Event

Join us for a virtual symposium featuring the 2021 Interns of the Irvine Summer Institute in Neuroscience. Participants will share poster presentations of their summer research projects. Agenda 10:00am – Welcome 10:15am – Keynote Lecture by Michael Yassa, Ph.D. 11:30am – Break 12:00 – 1:40pm – Poster Session For more information, please visit:


CNLM Colloquium with Nii Addy, Ph.D

CNLM Herklotz Conference Center Irvine, CA, United States

The CNLM will be hosting Dr. Nii Addy,Associate Professor  of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine, in a colloquium where he will present his latest research. This year, the series will be held in a virtual format with some speakers presenting in-person as well. We will keep registered participants updated on the possibility of an…
