UCI Brain Launches Dimensions Tutorials in the ‘Ask an Expert’ Series
UCI Brain has launched an ‘Ask an Expert’ series to showcase some of the premium features of Dimensions. Each month in our Brain Circuit E-newsletter, we will feature a video tutorial answering a question posed by the UCI community.
For those who haven’t used Dimensions, it is a comprehensive data platform with features including the ability to cross-access research publications, awarded grants, patents, clinical trials, and policy documents. UCI Brain is offering all those involved in brain-related research at UCI a premium subscription to this platform. Watch our first tutorial on accessing Dimensions to learn more.
Our goal is to inspire our community to explore how Dimensions will benefit your research and to answer questions from those in our community.
Submit your question to brain@uci.edu for a chance to be featured in this series.
Explore some of the video topics below:

Meet the Experts

Melinda Gormley, PhD
Research Development Officer
School of Biological Sciences

Justin Sarkis, MS
Research Development Coordinator
School of Biological Sciences