2021 CNLM Awards Ceremony

Join the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (CNLM) for the 2021 CNLM Awards Ceremony The CNLM offers awards to exceptional postdoctoral researchers, graduate trainees, and undergraduates students.  Awardees will be presented with a plaque and $1,000 stipend and will be invited to present their work in brief Elevator Pitch format to the UCI academic…


Neurobiology and Behavior Distinguished Colloquium – Tara DeSilva, PhD

Dr. DeSilva is an Associate Professor at the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland, Ohio where her research focuses on how immune cell infiltration into the central nervous system contributes to demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), transverse myelitis, and neuromyelitis optica (NMO). The DeSilva lab focuses on three major areas of research: 1) Blocking immune…


Wake Your Brain Virtual Talk

Please join UCI's Neuro-Oncology team for a virtual panel on the latest treatments and innovations for brain tumors. Panelists include: Daniela Bota, MD, PhD, Xiao-Tang Kong, MD, PhD, Yoon Jae Choi, MD, and Scott Turner, MD. Q&A will follow after the presentation. Topics include: Novel cellular and gene therapy approaches for GBM Rare Tumor Diseases…


PharmSci Seminar with Amal Alachkar, Ph.D.

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Seminar Series:   Intergenerational Trauma: Two-hit Mechanism and Early Preventive Interventions Please join the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in a research seminar featuring UC Irvine Associate Professor,…


Memory: It’s About Time Virtual Conference

May 27 & 28, 2021 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Memories are the record of our experiences, but they also shape them. We now know that memory recall is a fundamentally constructive process,…


CNCM Seminar: Haijiang Cai, Ph.D

Neural circuits for feeding regulation, the return of the amygdala. Join the UCI Center for Neural Circuit Mapping in a virtual seminar featuring Dr. Haijiang Cai, Associate Professor of Anatomy and Neurobiology, of the University of Arizona.


Trisomy 21 Research Society 1st Virtual Conference

The Trisomy 21 Research Society Virtual Conference (T21RS 2021) promotes scientific exchanges, maximizing resource use and defining the most promising research at the basic, translational and clinical levels. The rapid pace of progress that has taken place in the last few years demands effective communication between scientists and clinicians working in the field. The T21RS…

Conte Center Seminar Series with Fabricio H. Do Monte, DVM, PhD

Title: "Neural circuits regulating reward-approach vs. threat-avoidance responses" Please join the Conte Center at UCI in a virtual seminar featuring Fabricio H. Do Monte, DVM, Phd. Dr. Do Monte is an Assistant Professor from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy.


Gemma Carvill, Ph.D.

Dr. Gemma Carvill, assistant professor of neurology, pediatrics and pharmacology at Northwestern University, is one of the speakers in the 2020/21 EpiCenter Seminar Series.


4C the Future: Creativity

Join UCI Brain virtually for our UCI Brain Dialogue Series, 4C the Future. UCI faculty from across the UCI campus will discuss Creativity. Featured speakers for this event are: Linda Palmer, Project Scientist, School of Biological Sciences Bryan Reynolds, Chancellor’s Professor & Claire Trevor Professor S. Ama Wray,  Associate Professor of Dance The UCI Brain…


EpiCenter Seminar Series with Yu Wang, MD, PhD

Models, Mechanisms, and Therapeutics of DEPDC5-Related Malformation of Cortical Development Join the UCI Epilepsy Research Center in their virtual EpiCenter Seminar Series featuring Dr. Yu Wang, Assistant Professor of Neurology of University of Michigan Medical School.

Michael Leon, Ph.D.

Environmental Enrichment as an Effective Treatment for Autism The 2021 CNLM Summer Seminar Series is hosted by the Irvine Summer Institute in Neuroscience, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program funded by the National Science Foundation and Department of Defense. The program is directed by Dr. Luis Colon-Perez and Manuella Oliveira Yassa and provides an intensive research training and…
